Saturday, July 30, 2011

Preparing To Be A Help Meet Review

   Hello everyone! Today, I write about something a little different, but wedding related! Preparing to be a Help Meet has truly helped me in several ways. The book is written by Debi Pearl of No Greater Joy Ministries. I recommend subscribing to their magazine. It's filled with lots of great info on families, real life stuff,  and homeschooling.
   Back to the book.. This is basically the introduction book to Created to be His Help Meet, also by Debi Pearl. It is geared more for married women, as this book  relates more to single girls. This book has taught me so much on dealing with different situations. Find out if your husband-to-be is a visionary prophet, a steady priest, or a king in command. I know what mine is, but I better not say :) This was really helpful in learning exactly how to better your future husband's careers, ambitions, creative thoughts, and ideas. As a soon to be married young lady, there is no book I could recommend more for others in my position.

Learn about yourself! In the book, you can find out if you are a dreamer, a servant, or a go-to girl. I'll be honest, I am a go-to girl. I'm a take charge kind of person, a natural born leader, that needs to be tamed quite often, I must say. Here is a excerpt from this chapter:

                            "Some of you have strong gifts might ask.. Well, what about my God-given  gifts and drives? Are women just supposed to lay down their abilities and let the man do his thing, even when she may be more gifted and capable than he is? Yes! That is exactly the way it is, and no, not at all. The key is to recognize your natural type, not so you can take the lead, but so you can understand how it might weaken or aid your service to your first-in-command - your husband."

The book is filled with lots of wisdom from great, Godly women. Although a little off from popular belief, it's an awesome source of information. You might even be thinking "outside the box" by the time you are done. Warning: You will get convicted! Some of the popular topics include:
  •  What does a good guy really look for in a girl?
  •  Do you know what to pray for your man-to-be?
  •  Should you tell a guy you like him?
  •  Can you know God's will in choosing a husband?

The book also contains a complete Teacher's Guide for group study. You can purchase the book by clicking here.. Preparing To Be A Help Meet

While researching a few things for my post, I found out that they even have a website specifically for this book (it's that good!) You can find it here: Preparing To Be A Help Meet Website.

Have a good weekend!



1 comment:

  1. I LOVE marriage books. I've been drawn to them since I was a teenager. I've always been taught that you should be very concerned about BEING the right one and not just concerned with finding the right one. I'll have to read this book now. Really enjoyed reading your review of it!
    -Roxanne Williams
